Building a Healthy Team: Our Healthy Lifestyle Programme

01 Jul 2020
July 2020
Happy Employees
We are committed to ensuring a healthy lifestyle for all our employees to create a positive work environment, increase staff morale, employee engagement, while helping to increase business performance and productivity. The 3 pillars of our healthy lifestyle programme- Eat Well, Exercise Well, Play Well- highlight our actions to promote a thriving, flourishing community in GCB Cocoa.
Building a Healthy Team: Our Healthy Lifestyle Programme
Eat Well
Ensuring healthy employees is important for us to ensure a happy, vibrant and thriving community in GCB Cocoa. We will organize weekly Fruit Days to encourage staff to eat more fruit and educate them on nutrition information to improve their eating habits. We will also organize Bring Your Own (BYO) Lunch days to encourage staff to eat healthier, home-cooked meals in office.  

Exercise Well
Our Sports Recreation Welfare Club (SRWC) has been actively organizing sports and welfare activities to promote healthy lifestyles and team bonding, including our annual badminton tournament. We will continue to promote SRWC activities to encourage more staff to take part in their programmes. We will also work with local gyms to arrange for discounted gym rates for our staff to promote regular exercise.
Play Well
Promoting the mental health and wellbeing of our employees is important to improve productivity, engagement, and foster good relationships in the workplace. We will educate staff with tips on self-care, such as on sleep and rest, and organize more family bonding activities, such as movie days and chocolate workshops for our employees’ children.
Building a Healthy Team: Our Healthy Lifestyle Programme